While some may hit the snooze button too often in the morning, others rise to the challenge of the cooler weather lurking outside. Where some may feel the lack of enthusiasm going to work every day, others display their excitement. It’s not surprising to anyone that not everyone is cut out to be an educator. It takes a patient, dedicated and caring person to arrive at work each morning bright eyed and enthusiastic regardless of the weather; especially after really wanting to hit that snooze button. Wanting this enthusiasm to continue to be shared in the classroom throughout the school year, a local used auto dealer offers teacher auto loans in Shoreline specifically designed for our educators.
Teacher’s share life’s concerns just like everyone else; like medical and dental bills, kids activity fees and the never ending costs to repair the old car in the driveway. Between preparing for classes, teaching the classes, marking papers and minding their own families, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to search for a new vehicle let alone an auto loan.
Making the vehicle purchase experience as easy and enjoyable as possible is the key for a local family owned dealership. Having their own in house financing allows them to see beyond the numbers on an application and have the ability to offer any number of financing options. With a clear understanding of a teacher’s financial situation, special rates can apply. Even those teachers that may have experienced credit problems in past can be approved for financing. For those teachers not wanting to make a long term financial commitment, very attractive lease options are also available.
With the largest selection of all makes and models of quality used vehicles on hand to choose from at a price they can afford, teachers will be bringing their enthusiasm to school in style. For more information regarding teacher auto loans in Shoreline, give Half Price Cars a call today at (425)419-0150.