Credit and cars. Two things that it can be tricky to live without. If your credit score is low, you might find it near to impossible to buy a new car. You might find it hard to buy a used car, too. Good thing you found us– we are Half Price Cars, and we are all about helping good people with not-so-good credit buy affordable cars in Seattle.
If you don’t have a car, it can be hard to get to school or work or to go grocery shopping. You may have to rely on family and friends to take you to dental appointments and doctor visits. Wouldn’t you feel better, if you could get everywhere you need to go in your very own vehicle? Of course you would.
That’s why Half Price Cars of Seattle offers easy-to-qualify-for car loans that people can afford to pay back. We’ll take a chance on you when other lenders will not. Begin the application process on our website right now, or visit our dealership and showroom to apply for an affordable car loan in person. Either way, you’ll have taken the first step toward car ownership.
We can finance most people, regardless of their credit history or lack thereof. We want to see you drive away in a low mileage car with a big smile on your face. Browse our online catalog of affordable cars in Seattle, then come on in and take one for a test drive. Once you’re behind the wheel and on your way, you’ll be ever so glad that you came to Half Price Cars. For dealership hours and directions to Half Price Cars, please call (425)419-0150.