Applying for an auto loan from a traditional bank or lending institution can be an extremely frustrating experience. It can be even more aggravating when applying for a loan at the same bank you have been dealing with for years. Sitting across the desk from the loans officer as the application is being reviewed can feel like sitting in a court room waiting to be judged; The applicant trying to be patient and not blurting out something like, “Hello, it’s me! I’ve been banking here for years, what seems to be the problem?” With BHPH auto loans in Bellevue, there is no problem.
Leaving the bank with little more than a headache, it can take an individual very little time and effort to locate alternative auto financing options. At a family owned used car dealer, sporting the largest selection of quality used vehicles around, an individual will not only find the vehicle they want at a price they can afford, they will find the right financing option that will fit any budget. With a buy here, pay here (BHPH) financing option; it doesn’t get much easier to own a new vehicle.
As all loan and credit paperwork is completed in house there is no prolonged search for lenders or waiting for approval. With no large banks or lenders involved in the process, every person can drive away in a new vehicle regardless of credit history. A team of financial professionals not only see numbers on an application but the person behind the application. Experienced with numerous financial situations, a variety of financing options are made available including the option to lease.
It doesn’t get easier than BHPH auto financing in Bellevue. For more information, stop in to see us or give us a call today at Half Price Cars, (425)419-0150. Your one stop vehicle shop.